Applicability :- Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016 is Applicable to
all companies except the following type of Companies :-
- Banking companies
- Insurance Companies
- Section 8 Companies
- One person Companies
It also exempts private companies (not being subsidiary
or holding company of a public company ) upon fulfillment of certain conditions
- Paid up capital and reserves Not over Rs100 Lakhs
- Total borrowing from bank / FI at any point of time Not over Rs. 100 Lakhs
- Revenue during the year Not over Rs 10 Crores
Note : The Order specifically provides that it shall not
apply to the auditor’s report on consolidated financial statements.
Clause no.
WP Ref
Fixed Assets :-
Whether proper
records of Fixed assets(tangible, intangible and leased assets) are
maintained which shows the following particulars:-
(i) Description of
Fixed Assets (purchase agreement) to make its identification possible
(ii) Classification
i.e., under which head
(iii) Location of
Fixed Assets
(iv) Original Cost
(v) Year of Purchase
(vi) Quantity (in
nos. )
(vii) If there is
Revaluation , then
• Date of Revaluation ( if any )
• Adjustment for revaluation or for any increase or decrease
in cost, e.g., on revaluation of foreign exchange liabilities
(viii) Depreciation,
amortization, impairment for the current year. Also check whether
depreciation is as per Schedule II of Companies Act 2013
(ix) Particulars of
Fixed Assets that have been fully depreciated or amortized and held for
(x) Particulars of
Fixed Assets that have been fully impaired during the period covered by the
audit report.
(xi) Whether Fixed
assets located in the residential premises of members of the staff , If yes,
then Fixed Asset Register should indicate the name & designation of the
person who has the custody of the asset for the time being
(xii) Particulars of
Fixed Assets Disposed off during the year
Whether aggregate
original cost, depreciation or amortisation to date and impairment loss, if
any, as per the register/records agrees with General Ledger balances? If not,
note the disagreements in respect of each class of assets.
Whether these fixed
assets have been physically verified by the management at reasonable
intervals; whether any material discrepancies were noticed on such
verification and if so, whether the same have been properly dealt with in the
books of account , Following points should be taken care in this regard :
(i) Whether
management has physically verified the Fixed Asset
(ii) What is the
periodicity of physical verification and whether the same is reasonable?
(iii) Whether assets
physically verified reconciled with book figures?
If not, note the discrepancies against each class of assets in
terms of value and state how the discrepancies have been dealt with.
(iv) Instructions to
officials for carrying out physical verification to include procedures,
timing, competency of team members, count sheets / tags, formats etc.
Physically verify
few items From the Fixed Assets Register and vice versa.
Obtain Written
representation from management which shows following details :
• Fixed Assets are physically verified by the company as per
the policy of the company
• Periodicity of physical verification
• Detail of material discrepancies noticed during physical
• If no discrepancies were noted during physical verification,
the same should be clearly mentioned.
Whether the title
deeds of immovable properties are held in the name of the company. If not,
provide the details thereof;
Does the company
have any immovable properties (land and buildings)?
Has the company identified land and building on the basis of
Fixed Assets Register.
Whether the title
deeds of these immovable properties are in the name of company?
Has the management
provided details of immovable properties not held in company’s name (for
example, location, description, and reasons for not being held in the
company’s name)?
(i) If title deeds
are lost then check:
• the certified copies of the documents ( if available )
• Details about the FIR filed about the loss of such document
• Other actions taken by management.
(ii) In case the
title deeds are mortgaged with the lenders, assess if the confirmation
from the lenders is obtained for the same.
Has the management
physically verified the inventory, as defined in AS 2?
Whether evidence
regarding physical verification has been seen and the reasonableness of
periodicity of physical verification? If yes, verify:
• Written instruction issued by the management
• Duly authenticated physical verification sheets.
• Duly authenticated summary sheets/consolidation sheet
• Internal memo etc regarding issues arising on physical
• Any other documents evidencing the physical verification
Whether the original
physical verification sheets have been reviewed and selected items traced
into the final inventories? (including the more valuable ones as per ABC
Whether the
comparison of final inventories with stock has been done?
Whether records and other corroborative evidence, e.g.
inventory statements submitted to banks?
In case of
continuous stock taking check whether management:
¨ Maintain adequate and upto date stock records
¨ Procedures established for physical verification of
¨ Examine thoroughly and corrects all material differences
between the book records and the physical counts.
Whether stock
register is updated?
If any material
discrepancies were found as compared to stock records, what were the extent
of discrepancies (in terms of value) and how the same
have been dealt with in the books of account as well as in the
stock records?
Loans & Advances
(i) Has the company
has granted any loans, secured or unsecured to companies, firms, LLPs or
other parties covered in the register maintained under section 189 of the
Companies Act .If so, then
• Obtain list of section 189 parties from the company (Form no
MBP – 1 from director )
• Whether loans given to section 189 parties are squared off
during the year.
(ii) Whether receipt
of principal amount and interest are regular on due dates or thereafter If
not then the same should be reported
(iii) Check whether
terms & conditions on which loan granted are prejudicial to the interest
of the company. If yes, then report the same
(iv) If the amount
of loan is overdue then
State amount overdue for more than 90 days : For calculating amount overdue
check the repayment schedule
Steps taken by the company for the recovery of overdue amount For ex: Issue
of reminder, sending of auditor or solicitor’s note.
Obtain management representation regarding the same
Report in the following manner :
Loans, Investments,
Guarantees and Securities
(i) Check the
Memorandum of Association to know whether the company has power to provide
loans, making investment , or providing guarantee or providing security to
Lenders against loan taken by third party
(ii) Whether the
list of guarantees or securities given by the company during the financial
year obtained? If not then obtain it
(iii) Check whether
the rate of interest on loan is lower than the prevailing yield of one year,
three year, five year or ten year Government property closet to the tenure of
the loan. If yes then report it
(iv) Check whether
company has provided any loan (incl. any loan represented by a book debt), to
any of its directors or to any other person in which the director is
interested or give any guarantee or provide security in connection with any
loan taken by him or such other person . For this firstly obtain a list from
the management which shows the directors name and the persons in whom the
directors are interested
(v)(a) If answer to
(iv) above is yes then check whether the company has provided loan to MD or
If yes then check loan is provided
• As a part of the conditions of service extended by the
company to all of its employees, or
• Pursuant to any scheme approved by members by special
(b) Check whether company in ordinary course of its business provides
loans , or gives guarantee or security for the due repayment of any loan and
in respect of such loan an interest is charged at a rate not less then bank
rate decided by RBI
(vi) Check whether
company has maintained the register which shows the loan provided , or
guarantee given , securities provided , or acquisition made
(vii) Has the
company defaulted in the repayment of any deposits accepted or in payment of
interest thereon? If yes ,then the company is not allowed to give any loan or
guarantee or any security or an acquisition till such default is subsisting
Check whether
company has given any loan or provide security or guarantee in connection
with a loan to any other body corporate or person other than director If yes
then following points should be looked into :
(a) Company can provide loan, or provided guarantee or
security upto :
60% of Paid up capital + Free Reserves + Securities Premium, or 100% of Free
Reserves + Securities Premium (whichever is higher)
(b) Before giving any loan or guarantee or security or making
investment check :
• Board Resolution has obtained (100% Consent)
• Public Financial Institution approval has been obtained if
any term loan is subsisting
• If the aggregate of loan given, investment made , guarantees
and securities exceeds the above mentioned limit then check whether special
resolution has been obtained from share holder in general meeting.
Note : Public Financial Institution
approval not required in following :
• the aggregate of the loans and investments so far made, the
amount for which guarantee or security so far provided to or in all other
bodies corporate ,along with the investments , loans, guarantee or security
proposed to be made or given does not exceed the limit as specified , and
there is no default in repayment of loan installments or payment of interest
thereon as per the terms and conditions of such loan to the public financial
institution corporate ,along with the of interest thereon as per the terms
and conditions of such loan to the public financial institution
(i) Whether the
nature of company is
• Banking
• Insurance
• Housing Finance Company
• Companies engaged in finance of companies
• Investment companies exempted from limits on acquisition of
• Wholly owned subsidiaries
• Joint Ventures
If the nature of the company is other then those mentioned
above then proceed to clause (ii)
(ii) Check the
investment made by the company?
Note : Company cannot make investment through not more than 2
layers of investment companies
What do you mean by Layers :
Section 2(87) refers it to mean subsidiary or subsidiaries of the holding
NOTE : Company can make investment in following cases beyond 2
(a) If a company acquires any other company incorporated in a
country outside India if such other company has investment subsidiaries
beyond two layers as per the laws of such country;
(b) a subsidiary company from having any investment subsidiary
for the purposes of meeting the requirements under any law or under any rule
or regulation framed under any law for the time being in force
(iii) Check whether the company has disclosed the full
particulars of the loan given, investment made or guarantee given or security
provided in the financial statement including the purpose for which the same is
proposed to be utilized by the recipient
What type of deposit
does the company generally accepts?
If company has
accepted deposit from its members then :
(a) Check whether resolution in general meeting has been
(b) Check the terms & conditions of deposits
(c) Whether company has issued circular to its members that
shows credit rating obtained, no. of depositors, amount due and other
particulars in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed.
(d) Whether copy of circular has been filed with Registrar
within 30 days from the date of issue of circular?
(e) Whether company has deposited the sum equivalent to 15% of
deposits maturing during the financial year and next following financial year
and whether these are kept in a separate bank account.
(f) Check whether company has provided any security for the
repayment of deposits or the interest thereon
If company accepted
deposit from public then
(a) Check whether resolution in general meeting has been
(b) Check the terms & conditions of deposits
(c) Whether company has issued circular to the public that
shows credit rating obtained, no. of depositors, amount due and other
particulars in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed.
(d) Whether copy of circular has been filed with Registrar
within 30 days from the date of issue of circular?
(e). Check whether Company has disclosed the rating to the
general public before accepting deposit
(f) Check whether company has created charge on its assets of
an amount not less than the amount of deposits accepted in favor of the
deposit holders within 30 days from acceptance.
If an order has been
passed by Company Law Board or National Company Law Tribunal or Reserve Bank
of India or any court or any other tribunal , state whether the same has been
compiled or not ?
Cost Records
Whether cost
accounting records have been prescribed for the company under section 148(1)
of the Companies Act 2013?
If so, then verify
whether the proper accounts and records prescribed are made and maintained by
the company
Statutory Dues
Whether the list of
applicable statues has been obtained under which company is required to make
payments regularly to appropriate authorities? If not, then obtain it.
(i) Is the company
regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues including provident fund,
employees’ state insurance, income-tax, sales-tax, wealth tax, service tax,
duty of customs, duty of excise, value added tax, cess and any other
statutory dues with the appropriate authorities
(ii) If not, the
extent of the arrears of outstanding Statutory dues as at the last day of the
financial year concerned for a period of more than six months from the date
they became payable, shall be indicated?
(iv) Are there any
cases where there are no arrears at balance sheet date but the company is
irregular in depositing dues during the year. If yes then report the same
If company has
defaulted then penalty and interest should be checked
Obtain information
about arrears of outstanding statutory dues in following :
• Name of Statue
• Nature of dues
• Amount (Rs)
• Due Date
• Date of payment
Auditor should check
SA – 250 as to find out the laws applicable to the entity which can affect
the company (whether company has maintained the register)
In case dues of
income tax or sales tax or wealth tax or service tax or duty of customs or
duty of excise or value added tax or cess have not been deposited on account
of any dispute, then following shall be mentioned
• Name of the statue
• Nature of the dues
• Amount(Rs.)
• Period to which amount relates
• Forum where dispute is pending
Repayment of dues
Check whether the
company has taken loan or borrowing from financial institution or bank or
government or dues from debenture holder. ?
Whether the company
has defaulted in repayment of loans or borrowing to a financial institution,
bank, government or dues to debenture holder. For this check whether the
repayment schedule has been obtained or not , if not obtained then obtain it
If yes , then period
and amount of default to be reported ( In case of defaults to bank ,financial
institutions , and government, lender wise details to be provided )
Check the agreement
is there any interest provisions on late payment or non-payment. If yes, then
interest properly accounted in books or not
Check whether all
the defaults existing at balance sheet date are reported
Confirmation of the
concerned bank or financial institution as to the status of the loan account
including the overdue position as at the balance sheet date
If the company has
submitted application for reschedulement / restructuring proposals to the
lenders, which may be in different stages of processing. Submission of
application for reschedulement / restructuring does not mean that no default
has occurred.
Accordingly, in such situations report the period of default
and the amount of default.
If application of
reschedulement of loan has been made/accepted or default has been made good
during the accounting period, whether the fact has been stated.
Whether the disputes
between the company and the lender on various issues give rise to disclaimer
stating the fact there is a dispute between the company and the lender and
auditor is unable to determine whether there is a default in repayment of
dues to the lender concerned.
Money Raised by way
of Initial Public Offer , Term Loan
Whether the company
has raised money through IPOs, , Further Public offers( Incl. debt
Instruments) or term loans ?
Examine the terms
and conditions subject to which the company has raised the above mentioned
Whether the end use
of the money raised (as mentioned above) is capable of being determined? If
not state the fact
If the money is not
applied for the purpose it was obtained mention the reasons and amount
Obtain a
representation from the management as to the completeness of the disclosure
with regard to the end-use of money raised as well as actual end”utilization
of money raised by Initial Public Offer or Further Public Offer (including
debt instruments)
In case during a
construction phase surplus funds were temporarily invested, however,
subsequently the same are utilised for the stated objectives, mention the
fact that the funds were temporarily used for the purpose other than for
which the loan was sanctioned but were ultimately utilised for the stated
Examine the various
documents submitted to SEBI, offer document and also examine the report of
board of directors, if available, to find out whether funds raised have been
utilized for the purpose for which they were raised
Whether there are
evidences that fraud exist in the company? For Identifying fraud following
points should be taken care of :
Has SA – 240
Compiled with ? (Attach the checklist for compliance of SA 240 with this
checklist also )
Whether Auditor is
able to find fraud then following points should be looked into :
(i) Nature and
Amount involved in fraud
(ii) List out the
parties involved in fraud
(iii) Remedial
action taken by management
Check whether there
is any manipulation, alteration, omission in books of accounts or supporting
documents. If yes then report it
What are entity
policy to safeguard the assets of company so that assets should not be
Whether written
representations has been obtained by management regarding :
• Management responsibility for implementation of control
system which can detect fraud.
• Management has disclosed auditor all the facts relating to
fraud which are known to them
• It has disclosed to the auditor the results of its
assessment of the risk that the financial statements may be materially
misstated as a result of fraud.
Calculate the amount
of managerial Remuneration the company paid ?
Is the Remuneration
paid is within the limits of section 197 read with schedule V of the
Companies Act 2013 .If not, then what are the steps taken by the company for
securing the refund of the same.
Nidhi Companies
Is the Company a
nidhi company?
Assess if the Company is registered as a Nidhi Company as per
provisions of Section 406 of the Companies Act 2013 or Section 620A of the
Companies Act, 1956.
Note : All Nidhi companies within one year from the
commencement of Nidhi Rules 2014, ensure that it has :
(i) not less than two hundred members;
(ii) net owned funds of ten lakh rupees or more;
(iii) unencumbered term deposits of not less than ten per cent
of the outstanding deposits as specified in Rule 14; and
(iv) ratio of net owned funds to deposits of not more than
In case of shortfall
in the ratio of net owned funds to the deposits, report the amount of
shortfall and state the actual ratio of net owned funds to the deposits.
Note: Net owned funds shall includes equity share capital and
free reserves as reduced by accumulated losses and intangible assets
appearing in the last audited balance sheet.
In case of shortfall
with regard to the minimum amount of 10% as unencumbered term deposits, as
specified in Nidhi Rules 2014, report the amount thereof.
Related Party
Obtain a statement
containing Related party transactions?
Obtain a list of companies, firms or other parties, the
particulars of which are required to be entered in the register maintained
under section 189 of the Act.
Obtain declarations made by the directors in Form MBP-1 i.e.,
general notice received from a director under Rule 9(1) of The Companies
(Meetings of Board and Power) Rules, 2014
Verify the entries made in the register under section 189 with
such statement from management and declarations received from directors.
Assess the additions/ deletions to such list for
appropriateness based on relevant declarations
Whether the
transaction with the Related party are done at Arm length Price ?
Whether Audit
committee as required under section 177 of the Companies Act 2013 is formed?
Examine minutes of
meetings of the audit committee and agreements underlying related party
transactions to ascertain audit committee approval for the transactions.
Examine the minutes
of Board meetings to ascertain whether requisite approvals of Board is
obtained for certain related party transactions as required under section 188
of the Act
Where shareholders’ approval
is required, check whether the requisite approvals have been obtained as
required under Section 188 of the Act
Examine whether
related party disclosures are made in the financial statements as per the
requirements of Accounting Standard 18
Examine whether
disclosure related to contracts or arrangements with related parties as
mandated by section 188 are made in Board’s report Including the assessment
of identification of related parties and whether the transaction is at arm’s
length and basis of such conclusion.
Consider the
implications of non compliances above also in the auditors’ opinion on the
financial statements.
Allotment or Private placement of Shares
Check whether the
company has made any preferential allotment or private placement of
• Shares ,or
• Fully or partly convertible debentures
Check whether the
offer or invitation of securities has been made to maximum of 50 persons at a
time and 200 persons in aggregate during a Financial year. This limit
excludes Qualified Institutional Buyers and Employees to whom ESOPs are
Check whether the
amount raised has been applied for the purpose for which it was raised
If it is
preferential allotment of shares then :
(a) Obtain a list from the company of persons to whom
preferential allotment of shares was offered
(b) Check whether all the persons fall under following:
• Existing Equity share holders
• Employees under ESOP
• Any person authorized through special resolution
(c) Check the terms & conditions under which these shares
are issued
(d) Check whether allotment has been made or not
If it is private
placement then :
(a) Payment should be received by cheque , demand draft or
other bank channels but not by cash
(b) Check whether separate bank account is opened for keeping
the application money
(c) Check whether special resolution has been passed or not in
the general meeting
(d) Are there are those cases in which the allottee has
transferred his/its securities to more than 20 persons in a quarter and the
company has registered the same. If yes then record the same
(e) The offer of private placement shall not exceed 4 times in
a financial year and not more than once in a calendar quarter with a minimum
gap of 60 days between any such two offers. If yes , then report the same
(f) Check the investment size of the offer ?
If it is less then Rs 50000 then report the same
(g) Check whether any public advertisement has been given, if
yes then report the same.
(h) Check whether allotment has been made within 60 days of
receipt of application money
(i) If not then check whether the amount has been refunded
within 15 days after the expiry of 60 days
(j) If the amount is not refunded then check whether interest
@12% is properly calculated and paid from the expiry of 60th Day
Non Cash
Check whether prior
approval from the shareholder has been obtained in the general meeting?
Examine whether the
company has entered into any non cash transactions with the director, or
holding or subsidiary or associate company or any person connected with them?
For this purpose following documents can be checked:
(i) Form No. MBP 1, Notice of Interest by Director, filed
pursuant to the Companies (Meetings of Board and Its Powers) Rules, 2014
(ii) Form No. MBP 2, Register of Loans, Guarantee, Security
and Acquisition Made by the Company, filed pursuant to the Companies
(Meetings of Board and Its Powers) Rules, 2014
(iii) Form No. MBP 4, Register of Contracts with Related Party
and Contracts and Bodies etc in which Directors are Interested, filed
pursuant to the Companies (Meetings of Board and Its Powers) Rules, 2014
(iv) Movements in the Fixed Asset Register
(v) Minutes book of the General Meeting and Meetings of
(vi) Report on Annual General Meeting pursuant to Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014
Minutes of meetings of Board of Directors and Audit committee
Obtain a statement
from management containing transactions between the Company and director(s)
referred to above
Requirement of
Registration under RBI Act
Examine the
financial statements of the company and assess whether the company has
financial assets and financial income
Note: A company will be treated as NBFC if the company’s
financial assets constitute more than 50 per cent of the total assets and
income from financial assets constitute more than 50 per cent of the gross
If it is NBFC then
check :
(a) whether it has obtained registration under section 45IA of
the RBI Act 1934, and
(b) having the net owned fund of twenty-five lakh rupees or
such other amount which central government in official gazette may specify
but shall not exceed Rs 200 Lakhs
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